The library will be closed Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Registered Sex Offenders Policy

Last Updated Date
Next Review Date

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Library is in compliance with Iowa Code Chapter 692A that excludes registered sex offenders convicted of offenses against minors from public libraries.  Sex offenders convicted of a sex offense against a minor shall not be present upon the real property of a public library and they shall not loiter within three hundred feet of the real property boundary of a public library.  The Code provides an exception to this prohibition if the library administrator provides written permission.

The Library Director will not give written permission for registered sex offenders convicted of sex offenses against minors to be in the library.  This decision can be appealed to the Library Board of Trustees.  The issuance of a library card at any time is NOT permission to enter the library. 

Registered sex offenders convicted of sex offenses against minors may be eligible for some library services.  They may receive information via telephone or online.  They may register for a card directly with the Director, or designee, via telephone or online, and make arrangements for a person of their choosing to select, check out, and return materials using that card. They may use that card to access the Library’s online materials or databases.

Violations of this policy will be immediately reported to law enforcement, and violators will lose all library privileges.  Violators will be subject to prosecution for violation of the Iowa Code.


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