Library of Things

Kids Rake
This kid-sized rake is used for debris pick up and pull away thickly matted, compacted dead turf.

Used to lift and pitch or throw loose material, such as hay, straw, manure, or leaves.

Used to incorporate compost and other soil amendments into the top layer of soil before planting.

Used to dig as well as to move loose, granular materials like dirt and gravel from one spot to another.

Garden Planter
With a trowel on one side and pickaxe on the other, this tool has multiple uses in your vegetable or flower garden.

Post Hole Digger
Used to dig holes in the ground for fences and signposts or planting saplings.

Warren Hoe (Arrow)
With its pointy end, this hoe is used to get into tight spaces or dig out difficult weeds.

Hand Trowel
Used for digging small holes for planting bulbs, annuals, or perennials.

With its long handles, this pruner is used for cutting twigs and smaller branches.

This heavy-duty hammer is used for demolition jobs where high force is required.

Rotary Edger
This rotary tool is used to create clean edges along all lawn borders.