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America's News

America's News

Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more.  Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S.

AtoZ Databases

AtoZ Databases logo in blue and red.
Find business and residential listings and demographics. Records can be downloaded for mailing/contact lists.

AtoZ Food America

AtoZ Food America logo

Discover recipes and food culture for the various states and regions of the United States.


JobNow & VetNow logo

Looking for your dream job? Start here with free expert online resources including Resume Lab for virtual resume review services, and daily virtual live job coaching.

Brainfuse HelpNow

Brainfuse HelpNow logo

Stuck on a tough homework assignment? Looking for test prep resources? Brainfuse offers virtual live tutoring, a 24-hour writing assignment review, study groups, flashcards, and can even help create a study plan. Find test prep for college entrance exams and ASVAB.

DMV Practice Tests

Driving logo

Use practice tests and FAQs to prepare for obtaining and/or renewing your driver's license.



Provides comprehensive coverage of obituaries and death notices from 1704 through today.

Historical Cedar Valley

Historical Cedar Valley

A collection of postcards, photographs and other material primarily focused on Black Hawk County along with some images from communities across the state. 


NoveList logo, woman reading book in tree with yellow background.
Access reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction, browse genres, and discover new authors and read-alike titles.

People's Law Library of Iowa

People's Law Library of Iowa

Empowering Iowans as they navigate the legal system.

Transparent Language

Transparent Language Online

Language learners can build vocabulary, practice skills, and maintain what they have learned with Transparent Language Online, available anytime, anywhere in 110+ languages.

USA Today Collection

USA Today Collection

Explore Waterloo history through local news, events and people with the USA TODAY Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.

Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier Archives

Courier Archives

Search Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier content from 2001 to present.